I am a lazy boy, so if there is an easier way to connect to my VPS in GCP than using Chrome window I will definitely choose it.


  • Ubuntu 20.04

Step 1: You need to get your ssh key of your local device

If already got it, pass step1. Let’s use command ssh-keygen to generate ssh key! Then you got two files:

  • id_rsa The private key
  • id_rsa.pub The public key

Step 2: Add your public key to Google Cloud Server

Click “metadata” -> “SSH Keys” -> “Edit”, and add your public-key here as instructed below:

Step 3: Adjust the configs as what the fuck you want to

Connect to the target VPS and switch user to ROOT, then type command vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config to open ssh config file.

  • Change PermitRootLogin to yes
  • Change PubkeyAuthentication to yes
  • If you want Password Authentication, change PasswordAuthentication to yes and ensure you have set password for user.

Then restart your VPS.

Step 4: Enjoy it

Fetch the username of your SSH key(mine is haris), then type the command below to connect to your VPS:

$ssh haris@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx